JioMart - Business Model | 500 Billion StartUp | Case Study of JioMart



    Friends, today we are going to talk about a startup which is now in its emerging phase, but after some time will create a stir in Market.  So today we will know that what is JioMart and what is the business model of Jio and what are the  Jio's Future Plans.

     JioMart was started in January 2019 and its soft launch has also happened in May 2020. Friends Jio March model works in this way-

     You place the order on your smart phone which receives the order from the grocery store near you. And he packs and prepares that order and then the delivery boy or delivery goal receives your order and then delivers it to your home, you have your full bill right on your phone. Now if you want, you can do cash on delivery and pay online or you can also pay by swiping with a card.

    So now we will know what is the model of Jio? How does Jio smart work? JioMart works on O2O Model . What is the meaning of O2O module? O2O means means online to offline. This means that when you place an order on your phone, that thing will be online. And then your order goes to an offline store person who receives that thing. Receives your order The person who is sitting offline is operating his shop online but he is receiving your phone only.

     This is how the business model of O2O works. So now you will ask that was it only that, it is not so friends and very big things I will tell you eight points due to which JioMart will scaleup.

     Eight Points Due To Which Jiomart Will Scaleup

    1.      ASSET LIGHT MODEL -   

                     Jio's first point is asset light model, now due to this that capital investment has not to be done in land and buildings because there are retail shops present of Shopkeepers. Jio will not the bear the cost of shopkeepers and shops. Also jio will be free from the cost of electricity and appliances. Because of this, their capex i.e. capital expenditure becomes very less.

     Huge Capital Investment   

       The second point it is Huge capital investment. Jio raises major funding. Jio has raised mutual funds from many businesses, raise parry from Facebook. After that, pick it up from TPG in the Alcatel way, in which the NGO making this video raised two more funding.      

    3.        Creation Of Eco System -     

                  Third point also that is creation of eco system. This means that Jio has introduced a very big eco system. See the largest telecommunication brand is it from before. Now what has happened is that many people who are Jio users and other people will also order from Jio fun now, What Jio did, it connected people with many shops and connect them with all these small retail shops. Because of this, a huge ecosystem has been created. After that Jio will also promote its home brand inside it. After this people can integrate electronics close footwear and many more things inside it and due to which their revenue will increase even more. So the wealth maxima of the people who have invested in Jio will get more profit than all the investors, so in the same way Jio Mart has also created a proper ecosystem.

    4.      Power Full Planning -

                     So the nextpoint is  power full planning. Jio took out such a big step , before coming to the Jio Mart, it had proper planning, the way Mukesh Ambani had done a lot of planning before coming to Jio. He also did a lot of acquisitions to launch Jio Mart. Some of the major acquisitions that they have done are the grab and the ninja, which is going to help them a lot in the logistic support. To scale up Jio Mart to the next level. He acquired another company called STD Aerospace which works on robotics and artificial intelligence. This company will help them to build an advanced level technology.

    5.      Advanced Technology -

                 The next point is advanced technology. Jio has blown a lot of major funds from Facebook because Facebook has very advanced technology. Facebook already owns WhatsApp and Jio Mart wants to integrate itself with WhatsApp. Now it has many benefits. The first advantage of this is that no extra app required after taking any record, WhatsApp has a very large data base. Since Jio will be helped by this.

    6.      Fast oder placing .

             This means that you will be able to place your order very quickly. Because there a grocery store near your house which will deliver their goods . After that Jio will do a panel with the quick boarding team to remind them to on-board them Consumers Technology Operational Excellence due to the very advanced technology is created. It starts working very quickly, all the things you can click. All the things and new challenges and who will earn money because of all this.

    7.      Organzing the Unorganized Sectors

                The next point is organzing the unorganized sectors. Now look at Flipkart and Amazon's Reliance Fresh Big Bazaar demand, easy, all of them operating within the retail market, some more lines, some offline. But ninty percent retail market covered by all these tiny little little little grocery stores. Now these people are very unorganised, Jio Mart has organized these people through its management system, through technology, through retail support and with the help of this, when all these people will join with Jio Mart, then this whole unorganized retail market of all and Will be counted. When things stop counting further, customer satisfaction automatically increases.

    9.      Maximum Customer Satisfaction

                 The last point is maximum customer satisfaction. Now look at Grofers and Big Basket, these two businesses, they are already in the grocery delivery business, but what are the things that make Jio Mart different from Grofers and Big Basket and provide more value to their customers. First of all, we come to the Grofers and Big Basket with these two things. What happens is that pay is the minimum order value. If you want to order then you have to pay minimum amount After that here is the payload minimum discount. Here you will get at least minimum 5 percent more. Here you will get Timely Delivery on MRP. Here you will get super fast and quick delivery. Here also you get a return policy. With these, here you get a return policy with location. Today here you have to pay delivery charges and there is free delivery in Jio Mart. Goods will be delivered to your home free of cost and when Jio provides such good service. Jio will capture huge market.

    Hope you enjoyed today's case study .

    CREDIT ;- Aditya Saini 


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